HYM8F028C6 kernel is 8051XC2, 8051XC2 is fully compatible with MCS-51TM instruction set can use standard, 803x/805x assembler and compiler for software development the series MCU, The 8051XC2 also contains on-chip debugging hardware and analog and digital subsystems that interface directly with the MCU to provide a complete data acquisition or control system solution within a single integrated circuit.
MCU system controller kernel is 8051XC2, microcontroller 8051XC2 and MCS-51TM instruction set fully compatible can use the standard 803x/805x assembler and compiler for software development. The 8051XC2 also contains on-chip debugging hardware and analog and digital subsystems that interface directly with the MCU to provide a complete data acquisition or control system solution within a single integrated circuit. In addition to the standard 8051 organization and peripherals, the 8051XC2 microcontroller kernel adds custom peripherals and features that greatly enhance its processing power.
The 8051XC2 has a pipelined structure, which greatly improves the speed of instruction execution compared to the standard 8051 structure.
70% of the 8051XC2 kernel's instructions are executed in 1 or 2 system clock cycles, and no instructions are executed in more than 8 system clock cycles. Operating at a maximum system clock frequency of 60 MHz, the 8051XC2CIP-51 has a peak speed of 60MIPS. 8051XC2 There are 111 instructions The following table lists the number of instructions in relation to the number of system clock cycles required for execution.
Electric bicycle/range hood variable frequency motor control/variable frequency electric fan/pump control of industrial equipment
Washing machine, dryer/refrigerator compression pump, fan/air conditioning compression pump, fan/air purifier fan