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Huayi Microelectronics launches system, process and internal control management seminar


In order to further standardize the company's system, process and internal control management, learn and convey the group's instructions, at 19:00 on October 12, Huayi Microelectronics organized a system, process and internal control management seminar in the multi-functional hall on the 5th floor of Building A. A total of 122 people attended the meeting, including management cadres at the supervisor level and above, BPM personnel from various departments, and relevant personnel from the Audit Department, Securities Finance Department and Development Planning Department.

Quality Director Cao Baohua emphasized the importance of company system construction and business process management from three aspects: enterprise management document level, business process management optimization and ITSR centralized management requirements, and detailed the roles, responsibilities and work points of system and process management; Chief Financial Officer Xu Shuangnian introduced the current situation of the company's management system and system documents. Combined with the actual cases in the work, he intuitively and effectively explained the company's management system preparation specifications and management system preparation division of labor, and conveyed to everyone and explained in detail the group's development [ 2022] No. 3 document "Notice of Tianshui Huatian Electronics Group on Regulating the Transaction Behavior of Relevant Persons and Their Close Relatives with the Company", all the participants learned the management spirit of the group together.

After the presentation, BPM personnel fully expressed their opinions on the content of the meeting based on the business situation of the department, and conducted interactions and exchanges.

General Manager Xiao Zhicheng emphasized that the current system, process and internal control management model are just the beginning, and continuous sorting and improvement are still needed to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the company's business and operation management.

