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Huayi Microelectronics held Qixi Festival theme activities


According to ancient legends, the 7th day of the lunar calendar is the day when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet on a magpie bridge. By extension, Valentine's Day has become a special day for contemporary fashionable men and women to pursue freedom and express their love. When people are coming, Huayi Microelectronics Union specially holds Qixi Festival theme activities to promote the excellent culture of the Chinese nation, create a romantic festive atmosphere, and provide a platform for young men and women in the company to show themselves and communicate. Nearly 100 singles from various departments Men and women gathered in the activity room on the fourth floor of the service center to participate in this "Romantic Qixi Festival, Yi Shi Love, Inspiration Strikes, Vertical Sweetness!" Qixi Festival theme event.

Huayi Microelectronics held Qixi Festival theme activities

The young men and women present formed teams freely through self-introduction and self-recommendation of captains. This is a game activity. Through the form of team competition, we can promote communication and mutual understanding in the game. After the game is over, invite everyone to participate in a cold dinner party, taste cakes and drinks in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, and communicate freely. close to each other.

This activity is to solve the problems of "difficulty in making friends" and "difficulty in marriage and love" that plague young employees. In romantic and relaxed dating activities, we will promote the new trend of civilization, advocate the fashion of the times, show the spiritual outlook of young men and women of Huayi Microelectronics, and promote single young people. Get to know each other, know each other, love each other, work happily, and live happily.

