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Huayi Microelectronics launched a training seminar on lean capability improvement


On the evening of August 16, the Industrial Engineering Department organized a Lean Capability Improvement Training Seminar in the multi-functional hall on the 5th floor of the Service Center in Building A. The company's executive-level and above management cadres attended the meeting. The main purpose of the training meeting is to enable management cadres to integrate into the application of lean tools through lean ideology, so as to improve the lean management ability of managers, thereby improving the overall operation level of the company.

The theme of this lean production training session is "Interpretation of 8 Waste Behaviors", mainly from the definition of waste, how to identify waste, waste scenario analysis, and improvement tools to assist managers in identifying waste and solutions in current work and life. . At the same time, the Industrial Engineering Department will publicize the future lean capability improvement certification rules, the development of lean capability improvement courses and plans.

